On December 8, 2023, in New York City, EVERY introduced its innovative EVERY Egg, a groundbreaking liquid egg substitute created without the use of hens. This debut took place at an exclusive event at the prestigious Eleven Madison Park, a 3-star Michelin restaurant led by Chef Daniel Humm. The product, developed through yeast fermentation, is the result of nine years of meticulous research and development by EVERY. The company has garnered significant support, raising over $233 million from high-profile investors such as Anne Hathaway, AB InBev, and Grupo Bimbo.

The unveiling event featured a specially curated multi-course dinner, demonstrating the culinary versatility and high quality of EVERY Egg. Chef Humm and his team designed a menu that highlighted the product in various dishes, emphasizing its similarity in taste and functionality to traditional hen eggs. EVERY Egg, notable for containing eight grams of protein per serving and zero cholesterol, saturated fat, or artificial flavors, aligns with the culinary industry’s needs for a sustainable and versatile ingredient.

EVERY’s launch signals a significant shift in food technology, aiming to reduce the environmental impact of animal agriculture while maintaining the nutritional benefits and culinary applications of eggs. The company, recognized for its innovative contributions to the food sector, plans to make EVERY Egg available to foodservice operators and restaurants in 2024. Interested parties can register for notifications on availability at everyegg.com.

For more information on EVERY’s transformative solutions in the food industry, including their B2B offerings like EVERY EggWhite™ and EVERY Protein™, visit EVERY.com. EVERY continues to be a leader in developing sustainable food technologies that cater to both the food industry and end consumers.

Contact information for further inquiries can be directed to Lance Lively at lance.lively@every.com.